CANNED WINE: Napa Valley’s WineSociety by Subscription Vintages

As part of our quest to discover the newest and best in canned wines, a genre which formerly had a bad rap but is now achieving excellence, we introduce WineSociety‘s subscription canned wine service.

These are truly California wines made with 100% California grape blends, and they go by the daring names of

  • Tempt

  • Chance

  • Fate

Tempt is a blend of Syrah, Petite Syrah and Petite Verdot. Chance is a blend of Zinfandel, Syrah and Barbera. Fate is a blend of Albarino and Chardonnay.

We found that Tempt and Chance both exceeded our expectations, and would be a welcome addition to a picnic, festival, or simply stopping by a friend’s for a night of Netflix.

The wine comes in a lofty four (4) 4 oz. servings per can, and can be ordered in a case of nine (9) 500 ML Cans or 36 servings.


In many ways this is a wine made for Millennials. WineSociety, was launched in 2018 by the same millennial couple that sold DotLoop to Zillow for $118M. The founders, Austin and Angela, recently appeared on Fox Business News talking about how they are doing the same thing in the wine industry that they did for real estate.

There has been a lot of talk and statistics showing that rosé wine is one of the fastest growing wine categories, but some insiders overlook that strong growth is also happening in canned wines. To make a business comparison, less than 6% of craft beer sales were in cans five years ago. In a mere five years, now more than 25% of craft beer sales are in cans and its still growing. There is a good possibility that we will see the same dominance in canned wines in a short period of time.

If that’s the case, then a well-designed, well-priced, well-packaged, and tasty subscription wine is an excellent fit for the market. Bravo WineSociety!