TASTE HALL OF FAME Inductees Announced

We are pleased to announce the inductees in the first class of the TASTE HALL OF FAME.

First year Inductees were selected based on either having received numerous TASTE AWARDS and finalist nominations over the years, or having made a significant impact in the world of taste and broadcast entertainment.

The Inductees are:

  • Alice Waters
  • Alton Brown
  • Andrew Zimmern
  • Anthony Bourdain
  • Arthur Schwartz the Food Maven
  • Average Betty
  • Check Please: Chicago / Bay Area
  • Chow.com
  • Dining Around with Gene Burns
  • Emeril Lagasse
  • Food Wishes
  • Heidi Klum
  • Joanne Weir
  • Julia Child
  • Michael Kors
  • Oishinbo – anime
  • Project Runway
  • Raising the Bar with Jamie Boudreau
  • Ratatouille (film)
  • Rick Bayless
  • Top Chef
  • Tyra Banks
  • What Not to Wear
  • Zane Lamprey


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  • New CHOCOLATE AWARDS Categories Added – International Chocolate Salon

    TasteTV and the International Chocolate Salon, producers of the Original and Premier Artisan Chocolate events and competitions in North America, are pleased to announce that based on Industry requests, we have added two additional Chocolate Awards categories for 2013.

    ·  Best WHITE Chocolate

    ·  Best Chocolate BEVERAGE

    Registration ends on May 20th for the 2013 Chocolate Award Competitions for the following categories:

    Image removed by sender.

    ·  Best Chocolate BAR

    ·  Best CARAMEL

    ·  Top TOFFEE

    ·  Best BRIDAL Chocolates

    Chocolatiers and Confectioners can register or get more information for these juried product-submission competitions (not events) using the forms at www.InternationalChocolateSalon.com or at www.LuxuryChocolateAwards.com

    TasteTV Events include:

    TasteTV and TasteTV.com Chocolate News Updates

    San Francisco Chocolate Salon – Chocolate Design Winners

    As a new part of the 7th Annual San Francisco Chocolate Salon on March 24th, the Original and Premier Artisan Chocolate show on the West Coast, there will be a gallery of chocolate-inspired art. The pieces range from paintings, to jewelry to ceramic (such as this ceramic chocolate cupcake by Sandra Cohen-Wynn, pictured).

    Other displaying artists include: Carolyn Tillie, Melissa Rice, Kristin Stanchfield, Susanne Friedrich, Nikki Lau, Joan Pearson, Janet Lohr, and Bethany Garland

    7th Annual San Francisco

    March 24, 2013
    10am – 6pm
    Fort Mason Center, Festival Pavilion
    1 Fort Mason
    San Francisco, CA 94123

    TasteTV Events include:

    TasteTV and TasteTV.com Chocolate News Updates

    Georgia Hardstark – TASTE AWARDS

    Georgia of the Cooking Channel program “Classy Ladies with Alie and Georgia” shows off one of her two medals from the TASTE AWARDS in Los Angeles on January 17.

    Best Chocolatiers and Confectioners in America Awards Announced

    The International Chocolate Salon Awards for Best Chocolatiers and Confectioners in America announced!

    TasteTV and the International Chocolate Salon are pleased to announce the names of the 2013 Best Chocolatiers and Confectioners in America Award winners, which are now available on the awards site. The names of the 6-Star Award Winners, 5-Star Award Winners, and 4-Star Award Winners are listed

    The 6-Star Award Winners are Amano Artisan Chocolate, CocoTutti, Forte Chocolates, La Chatelaine Chocolat Co., Marti Chocolatt, and Sixth Course Artisan Confections.

    The 5-Star Award Winners are AMELLA, Chocolot, Chuao Chocolatier, DEUVO Gourmet Sweets, Droga Confections, Feve Artisan Chocolatier, Marco Paolo Chocolates, Mignon Chocolate, Socola Chocolatier, The TeaRoom Chocolate Co., Toffee Talk, and William Dean Chocolates.

    The 4-Star Award Winners can be seen listed on the site


    TasteTV Events include:

    TasteTV and TasteTV.com Chocolate News Updates

    TASTE AWARDS: Category Changes

    For the 4th Annual TASTE AWARDS

    Best International
    is to be separated into a new awards process with regional focuses (Asia, Europe, South America, Australia).

    The following additions or re-grouping are being made to the award categories: Games (non-mobile apps), Mobile apps, Branded video promotion or campaign, Animation, Children’s programming, Health & fitness, Beauty (online)

    The TASTE Awards