New York’s Most Powerful Weekly Food Critic – Amanda Hesser

Amanda Hesser, food critic at the New York Times, has been a hot new talent for several years, and now she’s got plans to truly embrace new media and become, you guessed it, a new media tastemakers. At least, that’s what we’re hearing from an article in New York Magazine, who initially seemed to be a bit skeptical, but eventually published a “part 2” to the following:

Amanda Hesser is putting the best face on her buyout from the New York Times, spinning the event, 1998-style, as a bold new leap into the electronic frontier, in the form of a digital-life aggregator. (A digital-life aggregator is an application that gathers all the content you produce — photos, blog posts, YouTube videos, etc. — and puts it all on one Web page.) The only problems are that (a) her background and reputation is based entirely on food and cookery, and this project is, by her own admission, unrelated to either; and that (b) there are already a number of digital-life aggregators out there, and they’re not exactly taking America by storm. We would still feel bad for Amanda Hesser even if she were going to move to a beach house on Martinique — no one likes to lose a job at the Times — but this new-media venture has a grimness to it we wouldn’t wish on Judith Miller

TasteTV Events include:

This blog from the contributors, producers and correspondents at TasteTV at technorati tags:, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Seattle Luxury Chocolate Salon – July 13, 2008

Seattle Luxury Chocolate Salon announced for Sunday, July 13th, Bastille Day Weekend. The Salon will feature chocolatiers such as Amano Artisan Chocolate, Kekau Chocolatier, Cocoa Chai Chocolates and many more.

For more information, go to The Seattle Luxury Chocolate Salon.

TasteTV Events include:

This blog from the contributors, producers and correspondents at TasteTV at technorati tags:, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

TasteTV and Chocolate News Updates

Video Interview: moderator Brian Solis of Futureworks

A great video interview of Summit moderator Brian Solis of Futureworks PR. Brian was interviewed by BuzzLogic Vino Diaries.

Per the description: In this episode, we interview Brian Solis, founder of FutureWorks and author of PR 2.0 and discuss the social media release. Is it effective? What are the best ways for PR practioners to leverage new media in message dissemination?

Brian by the way was an excellent moderator at the New Media Tastemakers Summit in May.



A first-of-its-kind gathering of 300 of the most important Digital Media, Traditional Media, Online Video and Web producers, platforms and startups specifically focused on the lucrative & highly influential Lifestyle categories of: FOOD & WINE, FASHION & DESIGN, AND REGIONAL/CITY SITES

More information is at

Participating speakers include:

TasteTV Events include:

This blog from the contributors, producers and correspondents at TasteTV at technorati tags:, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Speaker Bio: Kara Walsh,

Kara Walsh,

Kara Walsh is Chief Executive Officer of Metromix LLC, a joint venture between Tribune Interactive (TI) and Gannett Company created to form a national network of local entertainment websites under the Metromix brand. Walsh served as General Manager of Metromix for Tribune Interactive in 2006-07.

Prior to joining TI and Metromix, Walsh was VP of online at Village Voice Media (VVM) where she served as general manager of and led strategy and business planning for VVM’s network of 17 alternative news and entertainment websites.

Entertainment listings play a central role in the products that Walsh has worked with over the last ten years. Before joining VVM, she served as director of new business marketing at TV Guide and head of customer loyalty marketing at British Sky Broadcasting.

Walsh’s earlier experience includes brand management at The Coca-Cola Company as well as strategy and technology consulting. She has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a B.S. in Mathematical Sciences from Clemson University. She lives in Chicago, where Metromix LLC is based.

Speaker Bio: Gordon Gould,

Gordon Gould,

Chief Executive Officer Gordon Gould believes that in order to live better people need to buy better. Through ThisNext, Gould envisions a product graph that connects people to products, products to products, and people to people and transforms the way consumers interact with the most unique, diverse products in the market. Gould is a true Internet visionary, founding and leading several ahead-of-its-time companies.

Prior to ThisNext, Gould founded in 1999, the leader in mobile community, marketing and premium services in the United States for the teen community. He served as CEO for the company’s first two years. While at UPOC, Gould raised two rounds of venture capital and was instrumental in selling the company to Dada Mobile.

Gould served as CEO of the blog platform company Blogsmith, which is the underlying blog platform that powers the Weblogs Inc Network, and oversaw Blogsmith’s acquisition by AOL.

Gould started his executive path as President and COO of New York’s Silicon Alley Reporter/Rising Tide Studios. RTS/SAR published The Silicon Alley Reporter and Digital Coast Reporter, as well as about a dozen email newsletters and produced several high-profile industry conferences during the Web 1.0 boom. RTS also published VentureReporter, an industry business information service now owned by Dow Jones.

Gould has a BA in environmental studies from Pitzer College, served as a founding board member of MOUSE (Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education) and is the former co-chair of the Los Angeles branch of New Democrats Network.